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January 24, 2023

By Tom Christensen, Angela Dixon, Emma Johnson, Blake Rowe, and Amy Travis

在菲尔德斯顿伦理文化学校,冬天是一个特别神奇的季节. 云顶集团的学生庆祝节日最喜庆的方式之一是分享音乐的礼物. 在12月和1月,漫步在云顶集团四个部门的大厅里,你会听到学生们唱歌和演奏乐器的声音,云顶集团的音乐老师兴奋地计划着广受期待的冬季音乐会系列. 

We spoke to the music teachers involved in each assembly, concert, 让云顶集团来听听今年的表演有何特别之处. 

Ethical Culture

今年的节日集会是自2019冠状病毒病大流行之前以来首次邀请整个社区参加的活动,由音乐教师艾米·特拉维斯和安吉拉·迪克森策划, but several members of faculty and staff helped out. Principal Rob Cousins worked with the 5th Graders on their speeches for the candle lighting; the performances were accompanied by the fantastic work of pianist Woody Regan. There was even a special guest kora player, 卡耐基音乐厅音乐探索项目的特邀艺术家雅各布·西索科(Yacouba Sissoko)与安吉拉的二年级学生一起演奏了他安排的《云顶集团》(Wawano),” a traditional Malian song about lasting friendship, sung in the national language, Bambara.


“The Holiday Assembly is truly a celebration of the entire school. 关于今年的大会,我最喜欢的事情之一是社区歌曲. In brainstorming for the event, 安吉拉和我谈到了学生们是多么喜欢《云顶集团》,部分原因是五年级学生有闪亮的“五环”时刻, 更重要的是,这首歌和《云顶集团》是全校仅有的两首有机会合唱的歌曲. 考虑到这一点,云顶集团合作选择了更多的歌曲,作为一个学校一起演唱. In reflecting on the Assembly once we returned from Winter Recess, 我很惊讶有这么多学生把这些歌曲列为他们的最爱,因为他们喜欢这种感觉,听起来像在一起唱歌. Even before the Holiday Assembly took place, student Sabrina S. ’31 shared, “我最期待的是‘把圆圈画宽’,因为它给了云顶集团一种社区的感觉,,这正是大会的意义所在:庆祝学校社区. The students all worked so hard and performed so beautifully. We couldn’t have been more proud of them.”

迪克森补充说:“在准备节日大会的过程中,我的另一个亮点是与艾米合作. She’s a true collaborator and a wonderful music teacher. Each part of the process, 从安排集会的后勤和细节到排练社区歌曲, felt like we were a team. 我的学生们特别喜欢和大孩子们和艾米一起练习云顶集团的一首社区歌曲.”  

Fieldston Lower 

Fieldston Lower celebrated the return of their Winter Assembly, 为应对COVID-19大流行,该计划也被搁置了两年. 进入较低的体育馆,学生、教师和工作人员焦急地等待着轮到他们登上升降梯. 音乐老师布莱克·罗和Bárbara马丁内斯与他们的学生表演者分享了鼓励的话, who smiled from ear to ear in excitement. 

Rowe shared a bit more about the Fieldston Lower musical program this year: 

“Pre-K and Kindergarten sang ‘Colorful Mittens,’ 要求他们记住六种颜色的顺序和押韵的单词. 1st Grade did a very robust version of ‘Winter Fun,’ expressing their excitement for the great outdoors, while the 2nd Grade sang about playing outside with ‘Snowtime Fantasy.’ Breaking from the winter theme, 3rd Grade sang ‘Give a Little Love’ by Dianne Warren, and the 4th Grade took us back again with ‘Mr. Frosty Winter.’ 5th Graders warmed the hearth with ‘Revel, My Friends’ by Nancy Silber and Tony Soll.”

学院合唱团也在教室里,唱着奥黛丽·斯奈德的一首美丽的歌曲 ‘One Little Candle.’ The assembly was rounded out by the whole community singing ‘Doce Uvas,’ 庆祝在除夕午夜吃十二颗葡萄的传统, ‘Diamonds in the Night’ by Teresa Jennings, and the Fieldston Lower School Song by Colleen Garnevicus. It was a joy to see every grade singing for the School! Singing in a close group feels very new after the past few years. Our assemblies bring us together in the community, so it feels extra special when we can celebrate each other this way.” 

Fieldston Middle and Fieldston Upper

Each year, 菲尔德斯顿中学和菲尔德斯顿高中的学生在几个学科中表演了精彩的冬季音乐会, including chorus, percussion, strings, band, and jazz band. The Music Department, including Department Chair Tom Christensen, Middle School Band Director Eric Gilley, Scott Latzky, Kathleen Hayes, Russell Currie, Gizem Yucel, Johnathan Lowery, Ena Shin, and of course, the wonderful student performers, 花了很多时间准备与ECFS社区分享他们的音乐才能.

For Fieldston Middle students, this year’s performances varied, from a 6th Grade beginners band performance of “Beethoven’s 9th Symphony” and a 7th Grade rendition of the “Star Wars theme,” to the 8th Grade wind ensemble playing the “Legend of Alhambra” and the Middle School chorus’s presentation of “A Million Dreams,” each piece heartwarming and showcased our talented students.

Christensen explained, “我为学生和我的音乐同事们举办了五场精彩的音乐会而感到非常自豪, two Fieldston Middle assemblies, and one Fieldston Upper assembly this winter. 学生们打得很好,感觉云顶集团今年又回到了全盛时期!”


According to Fieldston Upper Principal Stacey Bobo, “the Winter Concert Series was a delightful demonstration of musical talent. They were all outstanding! 这些选择既复杂又乐观,为这一天带来了一个美好的结局. Congratulations to all the students for their hard work and dedication. I am in awe of your talent!”